Friday, October 5, 2007

Curtains and Colors

The mollies were abandoned in favor of a drill and ordinary anchors. And now I have living room curtains. I also narrowed my color choices down to 2 yellows and 2 oranges and painted some poster boards so that I can move them around the room until I decide. I'm pretty sure I like BM "Golden Lab" the best in the daylight, but I still can't tell the oranges apart. Which is very, very irritating, because one is definitely browner in the chips.


drwende said...

The Golden Lab is perfect, both with the curtains and with the endless beige that characterizes local apartments. It "goes" but gives the impression of candlelight in a pre-war Upper West Side pied-a-terre rather than of sand dunes piling up in the parking lot.

(I can't tell the oranges apart in your photo, either.)

srha said...

Wow, after a rec like that, how could I not choose it? Thanks, Wende!